Super Boredom: 12 Days Post-Op

I'm going crazy. This whole not being able to bear weight is driving me nuts. This whole slowing down and recovering from surgery is driving me nuts. I've hit the wall. I'm back to being solo this weekend and woke up this morning feeling super achy and some pain. I had big plans of getting out, crutching around and enjoying the fall weather. Instead, I'm stuck on the couch watching TV. 

One of my brief escapes out into the real world. Proves to be one of my most exciting moments in the past week+.

One of my brief escapes out into the real world. Proves to be one of my most exciting moments in the past week+.

I'm smarter than this; I've gone through a major surgery not just once, but twice before. I know that these first few weeks are meant for recovery and if I do it right, it'll pay dividends in the end. If I think about the advice I would give my 20 or 25-year-old self, I would tell her to chill out, work hard and know it'll all be okay. Instead, I spent my 20s filled with anxiety and worry that all my motivation and drive wouldn't pan out. That if I took a day off and slowed down, that it would all crumble.

Received some gorgeous flowers from one of my girlfriends. Aren't girlfriends the absolute best?! The blooms helped brighten up the sofa area.

Received some gorgeous flowers from one of my girlfriends. Aren't girlfriends the absolute best?! The blooms helped brighten up the sofa area.

Right now, I know I should be listening to that same advice....chill out, stay on top of my physical therapy and know that it'll all be okay. I'm not going to get fat and lazy. But mentally, it's proving to be such a struggle. I want to speed through this phase and be on to the next one. Maybe that's more of what I need to focus on--being okay with the now, even when the now means this. Learning to embrace the uncomfortable now probably is a skill I could use.